ok. ummm.... think about how much fcuking molton IRON there is in the center of the earth. Even if they got all 6billion people to jump, and we said that the average person weighs 200 lbs (a gross exageration), that's still only 1200000000000 lbs. just the crust of the earth alone weighs much more than that. not to mention, if everyone around the world did it, one person jumping on one side would counteract the weight on the other side of the earth. It is impossible. I could see if maybe everone went to china and did it all in china at the same time, though i think it still wouldn't work. just 1200000000000 lbs would never do the trick. the collective weight of trees in northamerica alone weighs more than that. whoever started that idea is a FUCKING IDIOT!
I'm a man who fucks with fire. I'm a man who sleeps with liars, but I don't come from Hell, no. I wasn't raised in Hell.