greetings, everyone... i just want it to be known how much i love you all... and as a token of my love, i'm sharing these fine wallpapers with you... i put the official ones up as well just to be comprehensive... so you guys feel free to add more... i know i probably will... farewell for now and goodnight...
hmm, why? that's a difficult question to ask about love... but since i just discovered this forum and don't really know any others (besides you guys) who like the scars (and since the t.s. have not been whored out like so many other amazing bands) that makes this a magical place and that makes this a community... ok, i'll stop being so mushy... but really, you guys already know that trophy scars are the love... and that's why you're here... and that is why i offered you my tablescraps, you misbehaving cats, you...
fall for life wrote: i have the ash tray as my backround and my parents always flip out about it. theyre like "why do you have cigarettes on your desktop?!?!" and i go
hmmm... i need to clean up some of those cat desktops... i'll try to when i get some time... they're a little blurry and a bit distorted... but anyways... here are some bigger sizes of those desktops from the t-shirt designs...