when i saw them live it was probably the best show ive been to, only because i got to chill with the band and sleep in the venue with them in some random city called georgetown.
ill post pictures and stuff later from the show
and i have a video of them chillin with ambry outside along with a live video performance
Zeshan "The Board Master"
I have a 9inch tongue and i can breathe through my ears
Yeah they really are the shit live. My friend booked them a show at Hamilton St in NJ back about a month ago. They sounded amazing, it was the best live performance I've seen from a band in a venue like that.
And also, I went to the record release show, but the "capacity" was filled and I was allowed in. I listened from the window. They sounded good...
theywerexlove wrote: what a bunkass place the show was a lot of fun-- especially the hanging outand slumber partying... oh yah and that bear dog.good times
Dooood, who remembers the shows at the Outhouse in Randolph? Those were the ****tt.
Yo, CricketsInTune. Do you think that you could make it so that the thread with the latest reply would be the first thread on the list? Just a suggestion, it's your forum of course. But you'll see that when there's more threads in here that it's going to be better that the latest posted threads are on top.
haven't seen them yet. but i make sure to let everyone who runs shows anywhere near me knows about them. it hasn't seemed to work yet....
One day a student in a math class asked his teacher why two plus two equalled four. Immediately, the skeleton of Aristotle popped out of the ground and said to him, "because I said so."
i was at the cd release party at morristown. sorry you couldnt get in the scars. i was also at hamilton st, and looking forward to seeing them with chiodos at bloomfield
oh **** yo i seen thems guys since day one at their frist show..a ndyeah to that one abouthte outhouse i was there i got it on tape .. i got alot of that **** on tape.. and oh wait.. come out to the show on nov. 13th in montclaire nj.. with chiodos why cause that **** is ogign to be sick as hell mofo