I'm a fan in the Philadelphia area. I was introduced to the band by my boyfriend, a long, long time ago when he asked me to find him an illegal copy of Goodnight Alchemy. But don't worry, since then, we've bought physical copies of every album but the first (working on that.) I've seen them once and I'm hoping to see them again tomorrow night, although I'm afraid there might be a 21+ restriction that'll keep me away. Oh dongs.
My dick flares up once in a while, my doctor said it was normal. But he also went on to say my insatiable urge to act on spontaneous homosexual advances on other men was not.
But I'm the one with the masters degree in blowjobs, so I think I would know.
Yeah, this place hibernates until TS plays shows, releases an album, does an interview, etc. Lately, they've been pretty quiet, so the forum does the same (naturally).