Cause at a sushi place there's one of those cute cats and under it it says jerry :]
I know its probably not but mayyybbeeee....
I had no money then I had no worries then at all it's like I'm under water or on an endless escalator I just go up and up but I don't ever reach the top
Metal kettle unsettling treble howl, settler trembling, measureing mellow on the levitate off the mezzanine. Never seen a ton of bricks dressing clean/dapper 'til it's pin stripe and skull chunk 40 stories after.
Metal kettle unsettling treble howl, settler trembling, measureing mellow on the levitate off the mezzanine. Never seen a ton of bricks dressing clean/dapper 'til it's pin stripe and skull chunk 40 stories after.
i designed one a bit back but it never took off... maybe next tour? ****in merch now didnt put up our christmas designs.
Metal kettle unsettling treble howl, settler trembling, measureing mellow on the levitate off the mezzanine. Never seen a ton of bricks dressing clean/dapper 'til it's pin stripe and skull chunk 40 stories after.
nigel is on 5 out of the 10 tracks.. but usually he is doing some background stuff... there are two tracks in particular where he has lead parts. he is a tremendous asset. and i love his body.
do a bio on fellow irishman - yeats. he's great.
Metal kettle unsettling treble howl, settler trembling, measureing mellow on the levitate off the mezzanine. Never seen a ton of bricks dressing clean/dapper 'til it's pin stripe and skull chunk 40 stories after.
oh and the whinnie the pooh lyric is about nostalgia and reconciling your broken innocence. bam.
Metal kettle unsettling treble howl, settler trembling, measureing mellow on the levitate off the mezzanine. Never seen a ton of bricks dressing clean/dapper 'til it's pin stripe and skull chunk 40 stories after.
I'd like to know if you guys could like put more of your tabs and chords for certain songs?..maybe when you let out the acoustic version of your songs. btw, i love your story telling way of singing a song. it's beautiful. i've never heard music like this..i've heard great bands but you guys are like my favorite coming from jersey. i've seen you play with rlgl last performance..but i'd hate if you guys left us too and i've been listening to you since i was 14 and i'm 17 now, i love all albums..i don't think bad luck was a bad album at all. it was just as amazing. it wasn't what i expected but i got used to it.
tabs&chords: 1. Anna Lucia. 2. Eyes bapitized in mercury. 3. Bad Dreams. 4. Apple. Apples. 5. Hopsitial for Ghosts. 6. Lesson 4. 7. An acoustic version of Baby Eskimo Kisses cause i can't play piano.
I've learned how to play Alligator. Alligators without chords or tabs.
we don't do much tabbing b/c we're very busy men. but the songs you listed are all very similar progressions. just keep playing along and you'll probably get them. thanks for the kudos on bad luck... it's better than all of our previous releases by miles and miles.
Metal kettle unsettling treble howl, settler trembling, measureing mellow on the levitate off the mezzanine. Never seen a ton of bricks dressing clean/dapper 'til it's pin stripe and skull chunk 40 stories after.