"Yep, yep. The new stuff is sleazy... and I mean sleazy in every way possible. I mean like junkie poker shark sleazy. And there will be a lot more instrumentation on this one. No breakdowns though. I'm over it. We want to secede from "screamo" or "emo" or "post- insert pretense -core" or whatever the kids are calling it these days... I don't even know how we were lumped in there to begin with. This record will be like "twisty Pete". There I said it that's the new genre we're going to be a part of. Twisty Pete. Don't ****in forget it." Jerrrru
i can't wait for the songs that make me take a hot shower.
can't wait for the new stuff!!!
Zeshan "The Board Master"
I have a 9inch tongue and i can breathe through my ears
joshuan white: is it sexual? joshuan white: (you best say yes) andysscreennamethatimnotgoingtogiveout: well yeah man.. its ****ing rockin andysscreennamethatimnotgoingtogiveout: and sexy andysscreennamethatimnotgoingtogiveout: and ****ing soul ful haha. joshuan white: ha joshuan white: good andysscreennamethatyouprobablyalreadyknow: yeah man andysscreannamethatidontwanttoberesponsiblefor: hopefully we will have some new ones ready for tour joshuan white: fantastic amillionpeopleimminghimagainsthiswillandimnotsure: yeah i can;t wait to play some of these songs live joshuan white: i can't wait to **** a girl in the corner while you play these songs live joshuan white: haha ifhepostshisscreennameanywherethatthegeneralpubliccangetto: hahah in the coner it better be right up front
I'm a man who fucks with fire. I'm a man who sleeps with liars, but I don't come from Hell, no. I wasn't raised in Hell.
i was coloring last night, and i started to wonder if it's too early to break out my quill and start writing for my insert on the next album? i like working under pressure and right now i think it's far too distant future for me to write anything noteworthy
i was coloring last night, and i started to wonder if it's too early to break out my quill and start writing for my insert on the next album? i like working under pressure and right now i think it's far too distant future for me to write anything noteworthy
Color me wonderful
Penguin dust, bring me penguin dust, I want penguin dust--
i was coloring last night, and i started to wonder if it's too early to break out my quill and start writing for my insert on the next album? i like working under pressure and right now i think it's far too distant future for me to write anything noteworthy
i love you
I'm a man who fucks with fire. I'm a man who sleeps with liars, but I don't come from Hell, no. I wasn't raised in Hell.
well... we just recorded some super rough rough rough rough demos. i did vocals for one of the songs. i don't know what it's called yet... maybe "Bad Dreams" or "Years so Much" or a cmbination of both? it clock's a bit under 7 minutes but think it will be longer than that on the actual record (considering the ammount of instrumentation that the song calls for). Hmmm... what else? Some other songs are tentaviely titled "Cobia", "Bad View", "Anna Lucia", and "Good Luck". There are a bunch of ideas being thrown around and this is by far the most rigirous writing we have done.
Yes sir. I like it. I'm signing off to write some more. yay.
Metal kettle unsettling treble howl, settler trembling, measureing mellow on the levitate off the mezzanine. Never seen a ton of bricks dressing clean/dapper 'til it's pin stripe and skull chunk 40 stories after.