do eeeeet. like once a day please: tell other people to do it too. if they win, we will all get rich and have gold trim on our escalades and you'll still be poor but we can actually put you on the guestlist :)
NO...i'm not in the band...i'm just faster and smarter and took the name first :)
Yo, FCUK PETE WENTZ that stupd fcuk i bet his boifreind dresses up in an armadillo costume and spreads raple syrup on him then rolls around in it the next morning doesn't even dry clean his fur. faggot
The Alchemist wrote: Yo, FCUK PETE WENTZ that stupd fcuk i bet his boifreind dresses up in an armadillo costume and spreads raple syrup on him then rolls around in it the next morning doesn't even dry clean his fur. faggot
yo. pete wentz is the world's biggest ass. i heard this radio interview with him and he said referring to their album leaking "and we're the biggest rock band in the world so this is like the biggest leak in history...the leak was traced back to some plant in Asia and you know, it was probably some minimum wage worker who doesn't even know who Fall Out Boy is."
I'm a man who fucks with fire. I'm a man who sleeps with liars, but I don't come from Hell, no. I wasn't raised in Hell.
The Alchemist wrote: Yo, FCUK PETE WENTZ that stupd fcuk i bet his boifreind dresses up in an armadillo costume and spreads raple syrup on him then rolls around in it the next morning doesn't even dry clean his fur. faggot
hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahha. i don't think i could've found this more ammusing... maybe if the "raple syrup" was called "raple hyrup".
Metal kettle unsettling treble howl, settler trembling, measureing mellow on the levitate off the mezzanine. Never seen a ton of bricks dressing clean/dapper 'til it's pin stripe and skull chunk 40 stories after.