word. i usually hate scary movies. but i dunno. i guess i just wanna see it. i figured the whole 6 6 6 date thing out last year. i was chillin with my libraian because were mad right. and it was neaar the end of the year and i was just thinkin about next year. and i was liike "WHOA itll be 6606 next year" and she was like "PSH YEAH, thats weird"
man if MY kid turned out to be the son of the devil I'd just drowned his ass in the bathtub. and if satan tried to start any **** id just backhand him and be like "get me a grilled cheese sammich...and a taco" and thats 4 real.
also if your son was the son of the devil. would you assume your wife cheated on you. cuz i doubt the devil is like god and just places the seed neatly. i bet satan likes it rough.