to each of the band members: which song off of alphabet. alphabets. is most special to you... maybe a BRIEF description why? brief so as not to give away a lot about the song
and to anybody else. which song is most special to you.. off of alphabet. alphabets. or any other album.
um my most special song.. prolly apple. apples. or alchemist alchemists i duno why i think they are jsut my fav. on the album.but then again i duno .. i think the whole album is amazing.. i duno .. lesson 3 is also one of my fav.songs hands down so much fun to play but thats prolly cause we dont play..
you guys will definitely dig apple. apples. if you like lesson 3... its follows the same lyrical construct. it's a posi song that follows the saddest song on the record. - alligator. alligators.
alligator. alligators. is the most special to me not only cause its the one song on the record that i wrote the music for but because it reminds me how nice someone treated me... and the song isn't lyrically complex - it just tells a simple story and that's all i wanted to do. in a way it's the 'baby eskimo kisses' for me at 22 - it's hard for me to go back and listen to alligators like it was for me at 18 to listen to 'b.e.k.'. it was the most selfish song on the record but thats why i like it, i guess.
my favorite 'old' song i think is traps and tricks. i really got into some deep issues with myself when i was writing it. very therapeutic.
Metal kettle unsettling treble howl, settler trembling, measureing mellow on the levitate off the mezzanine. Never seen a ton of bricks dressing clean/dapper 'til it's pin stripe and skull chunk 40 stories after.
I'm going to break the seriousness for a moment and imagine a posi Trophy Scars. hehe...
BEK actually gets more and more meaningful to me... I was at a party preaching the gospel of the Scars to this guy. There was a point where I got most of us to talk about some of their sticky spots in their lives. It was a nice night...
It got even better when I got to see Gr3g only none of the cummiez, I fell asleep right when I got to his house (after being silly in a Steak and Shake)
I'd tell people everything about me if it would be so obnoxious.. I ramble.
Penguin dust, bring me penguin dust, I want penguin dust--
yo yo yo um my most special song.. prolly apple. apples. or alchemist alchemists i duno why i think they are jsut my fav. on the album.but then again i duno .. i think the whole album is amazing.. i duno .. lesson 3 is also one of my fav.songs hands down so much fun to play but thats prolly cause we dont play..
andy is seriously like, the worst typist ever...talking to him on AIM makes me want to kill myself...god i hate booking tour, someone ****ing kill me i feel like a failure, there's 12 open dates left...
NO...i'm not in the band...i'm just faster and smarter and took the name first :)
andy is seriously like, the worst typist ever...talking to him on AIM makes me want to kill myself...god i hate booking tour, someone ****ing kill me i feel like a failure, there's 12 open dates left...
I've been working on the oregon one. I'm trying to get a venue right now. ;D