I was just curious as to what everyone's extensive music tastes were. I got one rather recently, so I'm still in that "new website excitement/finding new music at a pretty fast rate is cool" phase. Or maybe I just want friends. :'(
I used to do this all the time a few years ago, then just never downloaded it again. I think I went on vacation for two weeks accidently leaving itunes running and had like 10,000 coheed songs scrobbled
Oh man. I'm always afraid that somehow I'm going to scrobble something totally embarrassing for like... 8 hours. My guilty pleasures are not safe from last.fm. I could seem ~uncool~.
Some mysterious Trophy Scars fan added me as a friend and didn't comment here. I'm just curious as to who it was. They liked Folly, so I like them.
hahah don't you dare turn scrobbling off!! *disapproving face* i look down on people who do that :P i never turn mine off so it's always a pain when i go through my high school musical and 90s sprees. oops. and i've had it since like 2005 so the top charts are a bit of a mess heh.
Hey! I never do. I've been pretty good with it so far. Apparently I left it on at my work though, so I'm getting some real old jazz artists scrobbled onto my account. This is fine.